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Binesh Mathews, received his Bachelors of Engineering from State University of New York at Stony Brook. His discipline consists of Telecommunications and specialized in Bio-Medical Engineering.

Binesh has been in the Information Technology field for the past 5 yrs starting from college as a system specialist in the university Engineering department and when he graduated went to work for Computer Associates in the Technical Consulting department to Service and support Unicenter TNG Storage Option. He was able to support Sales team to customize the right SAN Solutions for the cost-effective data storage customer.

After leaving Computer Associates he went on to eshare communications as a Network Engineer to design and manage the Network Infrastructure, hosting services designing and implementing CIM applications and online communities. He dealt with all levels of IT infrastructure from Voice using Lucent Pro Logic Telecom Services, Data networks that includes T1's, T3's and frame relay circuits using Cisco, Compaq and Windows NOS and Intel Teamstation for Video conferencing. Below is the list of all the applications and hardware that Binesh has skilled from 5 years of Solid IT experience.


Operating Systems
Windows 95/98/ME

-Installation and configuration
-File and Print sharing

Windows NT 4.0

-DNS, DHCP, WINS, Domain Trusts, File and Print servers

-Building Servers, workstations, and Appling service packs

-IIS Web servers and FTP servers for intranet and extranet uses.

- Administration and maintenance

Windows 2000 Professional, Server and Advance Servers

-Active Directory Services


-Multi-Domain structures with 4.0 and 2000 platforms

-Administration and maintenance

-Upgrades from 4.0 to 2000

Windows XP home edition and Professional
-Installation and configurations


Linux Red hat

-KDE, GNOME, SERVER and stand-alone.

-Networking, ftp and Web server

BSD Unix

-Nokia boxes for firewalls

-Administration and maintenance


-Administration and Maintenance

Solaris 2.5, 2.6 7, 8 on SUN Enterprise Server{Intermediate}

-Installation and Administration


MS Applications
Exchange Server

-Administration and maintenance

-Active Directory Connector and LDAP support

-Building new organizations, sites and replications

-Private and Public information stores

-Corporate calendars, forms and Bug bases

-Outlook Web Access

-Upgrades from 5.0 to 2000

-Backup and restores

-Bricks level Backups and Disaster Recoveries

SQL Server 6.5, 7.0 and 2000 personal, standard and Enterprise

-Store Procedures, Query Analyzers and Table setups

-Installation and configurations

-Backups, maintenance and recoveries

-Exports and imports of data

-Upgrades from MSDE

Proxy Server


-Installation and configuration

Internet Security and Acceleration server

-Web caches and firewalls

Visual Studio Enterprise edition

-Source Codes administrations

-Installations and administrations

Office 2000 and XP

-Access, Word, Excel, FrontPage and Outlook

-Installation and configurations

eshare communications

eshare expressions

-Installations and Configurations

-Chat Sites with IIS integrations

-Boards and Forums

-MSDE or SQL server database

eshare connections

-Instant message server

-Installations and configurations

-Upgrades and modifications

eshare NetAgent

-Customer relationship management solutions{CRM}

-Installations and configurations

-Customizations and training

-database management using SQL or Oracle

-small or large enterprise solutions

Computer Associates
ArcserveIT and 2000

-Storage solutions

-Unicenter TNG Storage options

-Installation and configurations

-Oracle, Lotus Notes, SQL Server and Exchange Online backups

-Disaster Recoveries

-Anti-virus installations

-Alert Services

Firewall-1 -Administration and maintenance

-PCAnywhere 8-10.0

Research In Motion
-Blackberry Enterprise Exchange Edition

-Installation and Configurations

Clientele -installation and client configurations

-Installations and client configurations

-Sales automation tool. Data storage and backup procedures


-ML370, ML580, 1850, 2500, 3000 and 5500

-Build and configure servers

-Raid 5 with Hot swap drives

-Compaq Insight Mangers


-Building and configuring

-Router 2500, 2600 and 3640

Configuration for RIP, IGRP, Ethernet, T1 and Frame-relay, Routing, IOS upgrades and TFTP

-Switch 2900

VLAN and spanning-tree protocol

-Hub 100,400 fast 100MBps

Networking Essentials
-TCP/IP Networks, T1 and frame relay

-Ethernet and fast Ethernet networks
-DSL, Cable modems, ISDN, Frame-relay and T1 services

-Subnets, bandwidth and packet prioritizations

-Firewall translations and rule bases{NAT}